Tuesday, May 28, 2019

My Lady!

My Lady, do not crib, cry or sulk,
When someone says nasty things to you,
In your office or personal space,
Simply smile and let it go.

For they are fools and don’t understand,
The value of things being done,
Day in and out,
With lot of detailing and care.

My Lady, don’t feel so bad,
For clothes that won’t fit,
Just try and take simple steps,
And See the difference it makes.

Every tiny step you take,
Feel free to do it at your own pace,
With smile in your eyes and happiness in your soul,
And witness its impact on all of us.

My Lady, for once don’t ever forget,
You are a mother and whatever work you do,
Or whatever work you don’t do,
Or the way you look!

Makes no difference in your kids’ life,
Rather what matters,
How you feel when you are around them,
And this will be engrossed in their memory.

At every step, you will have,
People/family criticizing for your choices,
My Lady, you do whatever you feel,
Is in your best interest.

Above all these,
My Lady, do not forget to smile,
Even for a while,
Just before you sign off for the day.

All said and done,
You are what you are,
Created with lot of care by GOD,
So, don’t judge or devalue yourself, No Matter What!!

Tulika Jyoti Vardhan